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[survive] The girl who said it was disgusting to look at cheerleaders in a dirty way... Motion Comic Edition

系列作: survive

Overview: Summer student baseball is all about cheerleaders. Among them,a girl student named Hojo Aoi,who is especially cute and has a healthy,well-developed body that attracts the attention of men,is a childhood friend who lives nearby. "Boys are the worst. They look at the cheerleaders with lustful eyes." She is always saying this to her,but she is a serious girl who always gets angry,and she hopes that this year they can become lovers. She has no idea about the terrible tradition that has taken root in a certain powerful school - "It's our tradition that the cheerleaders and the regulars date." The traditional event of the baseball club,the "Summer Rally," is also a tradition that the cheerleaders also participate in,and what happened at the place where she was taken - A video of her was taken by a boy she didn't know,and the video was circulated. After that,the baseball club members and teachers began to look at her in a different way - Her body gradually changes - and she falls into pleasure - What is the "reality" of the tradition of the cheerleading club,which is said to be one and the same with the traditional baseball club?

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